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We Focus on Abundance

Updated: Jun 7

We value generosity that fosters an abundant mindset and leads to shared success. Let’s discover abundance in teachers, parents, and children.

Abundance Mentality or Scarcity Mentality?

These terms were coined by Stephen Covey in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. 

Most people are deeply scripted in... the Scarcity Mentality. They see life as having only so much, as though there were only one pie out there. And if someone were to get a big piece of the pie, it would mean less for everybody else. 

The Scarcity Mentality is the zero-sum paradigm of life. People with a Scarcity Mentality have a very difficult time sharing recognition and credit, power or profit. They also have a very hard time being genuinely happy for the success of other people.

The Abundance Mentality, on the other hand, flows out of a deep inner sense of personal worth and security. It is the paradigm that there is plenty out there and enough to spare for everybody. It opens possibilities, options, alternatives, and creativity.

Your mindset in this matter has a profound impact on your physical and emotional health, as well as your relationships and your future. Adopting an abundant mindset can significantly improve your life!

Our Teachers Practice Abundance

You might have expected competition between neighboring teachers in a program like ours.  "There are 50 kids in this town. They can either register for class with her or me so I'll do what I can to show that I'm the best choice!"  That's the scarcity mindset talking, but we're adopting a new mindset.  

Let’s try this again. The abundant mindset teacher would say, "I'm glad this parent values music education. I want her to find the teacher, class time, and location that works best for her family. Of course I hope they'll register for my class, but I know that either way, they'll be happy with the experience and share it with ten new children."  An abundance mindset means there are enough teachers to reach students and enough students to support our teachers. Music class can be for every child and our abundant mindset leads to the reality of a more musical community. 

Let's Play Music teachers also exhibit abundance within their amazingly generous and supportive network. We share our ideas and answer each other's questions and we create a whole nation of the best teachers ever. If one teacher has students with really great compositions and you want to know what she was doing that worked so well for teaching this, most likely if you ask she will share it with you. We cultivate a community of sharing and generosity. 

Parents Can Feel Abundance

As music parents, has this scarcity mentality thinking entered your mind? "Our teacher is fantastic, but some kids in class always need extra help.  When she helps them, my daughter doesn't get as much attention.

Cultivate, as a parent, an abundance mindset. The teacher divides her time among the children, and it's okay if the time is not exactly equal. It's fair because the teacher is giving each child what is needed and that looks different for different kids. All of the children are progressing as musicians. Parents recognize the huge benefits for their child to have a musical community of peers. The teacher fosters success as a class and is happy for them as a group. As a teacher shares time with other students, overall, that makes the experience better for all the students too, not just the one.

Here is an example of scarcity mindset among parents. "Finances are tight. There is just not enough time or money to go around to pursue everything my children are interested in. If we pursue one activity, we drop another, and it's really sad." Consider a list of the things you really value and want to pursue with your child. In this case it might be soccer, ballet, swim lessons, music lessons, or private school tuition.  

Truly, there isn't time or money to have it all! We can’t make everything happen at the same time, but there may not be any harm in waiting a few years before starting a new activity. As for music, we recognize it would be a loss to miss out on joining Let’s Play Music during the age when it is most impactful, so we gave it full priority until we graduated. At this time there was room for a new interest to be pursued. 

There is enough time to experience multiple activities. It's a good idea to remember that kids have an entire lifetime to focus and build excellence. Parents can give kids a basic foundation of music and athletics. Eventually, the child can choose where to go with it next.

Teaching Abundance to Children

Consider these questions and scenarios that demonstrate everyday situations for children that convey scarcity versus abundance mindset.

  • When your sister gets a new winter coat do you feel upset (scarcity) or do you feel happy that she has what she needs to be warm (abundance)?

  •  When your brother opens his birthday presents do you feel angry (scarcity) or do you feel happy to see that he is happy on his special day? (abundance)

  •  When you ask for an ice cream cone and you get one, but then Mom offers one to your sister, too, do you feel angry (scarcity) or can you feel happy that your request was honored? (abundance)

  • When you have a swim race with your brothers and sisters, do you get mad whenever you don't win (scarcity) or can you feel happy for whoever wins? (abundance)

  • When we have cookies for dessert do you try to hide some for yourself to eat later (scarcity), or let everyone share them and because we can make more another day? (abundance) 

When you notice your children (or yourself) feeling jealous of someone else, beware! The scarcity mindset tells you that others' happiness must somehow diminish yours. How is the other person's happiness, success, or possession preventing you from getting your happiness, success, or possession? It's usually not. 

When you can be happy for your friends and family because they have what they want, and still be content with what you have, you'll be recognizing abundance.  Take some time to look around and feel a sense of thankfulness as you recognize our abundant lives, in music class and everywhere.

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